Mar 13, 2025
ORLANDO, Fla. (March 13, 2025) -- James Henry has been appointed to the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) Board of Directors as AAU's Insurance Committee Chair. He attended the recent AAU Board of Directors meeting in Orlando, Florida on March 8th.
Since 1992, James Henry has been a leader in the Georgia AAU District and has been creating opportunities for athletes through his sport of Taekwondo and many others.
"I am grateful for this latest opportunity to serve the AAU," said James Henry, AAU Insurance Committee Chair. " I attended my first Board Meeting on March 8 and it was a great opportunity to see the vision that President Mirza and the Board have for the AAU. I look forward to being a part of that vision and will do my best to contribute."
A leader in the Georgia AAU District, James Henry was first appointed as the Georgia AAU Taekwondo District Sport Director in 1992 - a role he held until 2010.During his time as director, Henry spearheaded memorable and top-notch events for the Georgia District
His dedication to the sport has earned him the David Revines Award multiple times. The award is given to one person for their dedicated service to the National AAU Taekwondo Program annually. Henry has been a staple in the AAU Taekwondo community for decades and has been pivotal in the growth of the AAU Georgia District as a whole.
Henry has also held positions as a certified AAU Taekwondo Official, Regional Director, Executive Committee Member, and in 2006 he was elected as the Governor of Georgia AAU.
Through all of his titles, Henry has been passionate about providing the best events and opportunities to AAU members. Driven by initiatives like re-vamping officials/coaches trainings, formatting and publishing annual AAU rules and handbooks, and even managing websites and content - Henry has given of his time tirelessly on behalf of the AAU.
Henry works with other officers in the Georgia AAU District to create new policies and guidelines to ensure a successful district. These include following overall AAU fiduciary best practices as well as initiatives for Georgia AAU members like the Betty Lowe Citizenship Award.
James Henry has attended almost every AAU Convention since 1992 and has been a leading charge for the annual AAU Governors' Council meetings. He has seen many iterations of AAU Sports and has adapted and remained successful in each cycle.
Please join us in welcoming James Henry as the AAU's Insurance Committee Chair.