Officials Certification Process
2024-2025 Officials Certification Process
The 2024-2025 Officials Certification process requires the completion of four steps. If you do not complete all four steps, you will not be certified for this competition year. To become a certified official, you must complete these steps:
1. Obtain your 2024 AAU Non-Athlete Membership
2. Complete the Officials Application Form
3. Complete the Officials On-Line Course
4. Attend an Officials Hand Signals Clinic
Obtain your 2024-2025 AAU Non-Athlete Membership if you are over 18 years of age. This is not immediate and should be done well in advance of completing the On-line Course and the Officials Hand Signals Clinic. You may obtain membership at this link: AAU Membership If you are under 18 years of age, you will require an Athlete Membership. All memberships expire on 8/31/2024 and must be renewed unless you signed up for multiple years and it indicates an expiration date after 8/31/2024.
Complete the Official Application with the date of the Officials Hand Signals clinic you are attending. See below how to find clinics in your area. Your registration for the Officials Hand Signals Clinic is not complete until this is completed. Official Application is at this link: 2024-2025 AAU Taekwondo Official Application - Coming Soon
Please verify your 2024 Official rank at AAU - Taekwondo Certified Officials. Do not guess or assume.
Complete Official On-line Course ($39) OR Coach and Official On-line Course ($99). Click Here for On-line Course. This takes you to a landing page for new sign-ups. If you have an account from 2023, click “CANCEL” and sign in with your previous email and password.
If you are going to be both a coach and official this year, you have the option of completing the single course. Once completed, you will be certified as a Coach. However, to receive your Official Certification, the additional steps following must be completed.
Please note that completing any of the online courses on a phone is difficult and at the end of a course module, you must submit the questions that you answered during the course. If those questions do not come up to be submitted using any electronic device, look to the bottom of the video and you will see a star. Click on the star and the questions will come up to be submitted.
Attend an Officials Hand Signals Course once you have completed the On-line Course. To complete your official certification, you must attend an Officials Hand Signals Clinic conducted by an AAU Clinic Administrator. You may view scheduled Officials Clinics at this link: AAU - Taekwondo Officials Clinics.
You should reach out to the Clinic Administrator in your District or Region if there isn’t a clinic currently scheduled for your area. You may access at this link: Clinic Administrators
AAU Taekwondo Official's Program Mission Statement
The AAU Taekwondo Officials' Program is dedicated to safe, fair competition, free of politics, held at the District, Regional and National levels. We will strive for excellence through continuous Officials' training at District, Regional and National levels by identifying our best Officials to work competitions. We will endeavor to have the best Officials' Program of any Martial Arts Organization in the U.S.
Officials’ Program
All AAU officials are required to become (RE) certified through a recognized Clinic Administrator on a yearly basis. Officials must be (RE) certified EACH YEAR prior to District or Regional qualifying competition. Certified officials wishing to officiate at the AAU Taekwondo National Championships are expected to take the officials clinic offered at the National Championships before they will be allowed to work the event. Anyone wishing to officiate at the AAU Junior Olympic Games will be required to attend the officials clinic offered at the AAU Junior Olympic Games before they will be allowed to work the AAU Junior Olympic Games event.
Who is Authorized to Conduct Clinics
Only certified Clinic Administrators and the Chief Referee Committee can conduct clinics. Clinic Administrators are appointed by the National Sports Director upon the recommendation of the Chief Referee Committee.
Disciplinary Actions
Officials are expected to maintain the highest standards of professionalism. An official whose conduct is determined to not measure up to these standards shall be subject to disciplinary action by the Executive Committee.