Insurance Overview

Millions of young athletes participate in sports across America on a daily basis. Numerous volunteers give countless hours in coaching young athletes and in directing and hosting events.  There is an inherent risk involved in any athletic endeavor whether as an athlete, coach, bench personnel, administrator, instructor, manager, official, team leader, tournament director, volunteer, spectator, parent or event operator.  The AAU has addressed many of those inherent risks through a comprehensive insurance program that is second to none in the youth sport industry.

The AAU’s insurance program is a benefit of membership and extends to  those who are members of the AAU (athletes, non-athletes, club) or affiliated with the AAU through its members. Evryone participating must have an AAU Athlete or Non Athlete Membership

The AAU insurance program is comprehensive in nature and provides protection for athletes while participating in competitions and practices, coaches while instructing, event operators while conducting licensed events, spectators while attending events, and facilities while partnering with AAU members.

There are two broad types of insurance coverage included in there AAU insurance program:  Sport Accident and General Liability.

  • Sports Accident: Coverage is provided for properly registered athletes or non-athletes who are injured during an AAU licensed event, supervised practice or while participating in the Extended Coverage (AB) membership program.  Coverage is excess medical and becomes primary if there is no other coverage available.
  • General Liability:  Coverage is provided for properly registered athletes, non-athletes, member clubs/teams, event organizers, promoters, facilities, sponsors, managers, spectators and volunteers covering claims due to damage or injury caused by negligence or acts of omission during performance of duties or conducting business (such as running events or hosting a practice.)
As a benefit of the general liability coverage for AAU members clubs and event hosts, the AAU also has an Insurance Certificate Program.

Your benefits start here. Join AAU!

Insurance Summary

Detailed Insurance Summary

Insurance Claim Forms

Should anyone be involved in an incident, file an incident report and then file a claim.

Sports Accident Claim Forms

Date of Injury After 9/1/24 Date of Injury Before 9/1/24

Damage and Incident Claim Forms

Property Damage Form Incident Reporting Form

Insurance Certificates

Learn More

Additional Info


Insurance Certificates Overview


The AAU insurance verification and certificate program was developed to confirm insurance coverage which is included as a benefit of membership. Everyone participating must also have an individual AAU Athlete or Non Athlete Membership. These requests for verification and/or certificates must be initiated by the AAU member club for facilities, entities, venues, sponsors, and others.

Verification of Insurance: FREE. Verification of insurance coverage is a benefit of AAU membership. Everyone participating must also have an individual AAU Athlete or Non Athlete Membership. This may be used by member clubs to verify insurance coverage.

Verification of Insurance (or ‘Generic Certificate’) includes:

  • Specific club name will appear on the verification
  • A document that verifies club has insurance coverage from the date of enrollment to August 31 annually, as defined by the AAU policy
  • Extended coverage to an unnamed third party (if accepted by the third party)
  • Free - no charge
  • Documents available 24 hours after AAU Club Membership purchase

Third Party/Additional Insured Certificate:  This program provides a choice of certificates in four categories: practice, events, sponsor and extended coverage (AB).  These certificates are limited to to the facility names for the specific dates and duration of the stated event or practice, which should include set-up and breakdown.

Third Party/Additional Insured Certificate includes:

  • Specific club name will appear on the certificate(s)
  • Specific names of the third party/additional insured (where requested)
  • Example: John Q Public School, 123 Main St, Anywhere, USA 12345
  • Verification the club has coverage as defined by the AAU policy
  • Extending club’s coverage to the third party/additional insured
  • Certificate types:
    • Practices
    • Events
    • Sponsor
    • Extended Coverage (AB)
  • Fees apply (see below)

The fee structure is based on requesting the third party/additional insured certificate(s) at least 30 days before coverage start date or incurring an expedite fee.

  Fee Expedite Fee Total
Start Date is 31+ days from today $50 NA $50
Start Date is 16-30 days from today $50 $50 $100
Start Date is 0-15 days from today $50 $100 $150

For the administrative fees listed above, you may request up to 50 third party/additional insured certificate(s) in one transaction. If you do not list all requests on your initial submission, there will be a $30.00 administrative fee each time you return to list additional requests.

Request Certificates

Member Login

Print Issued Certificates

Print Certificates

Extended Coverage Program (AB)

The Extended Coverage Membership program was developed to extend coverage for AAU members while they participate in events hosted by other sports entities (not the AAU). This membership option is available on the individual AAU athlete or non-athlete application.

To have extended coverage (AB), the following criteria applies:

  • For team competitions, the entire competing team and coach (non-athlete) must be AAU extended coverage members.
  • For individual competitions, each competing individual must be an AAU extended coverage member and must be supervised by an AAU extended coverage registered coach (non-athlete).

Benefits of the extended coverage membership are:

  • Sports Accident insurance
  • General Liability insurance
  • Certificates of insurance

Who is insured:

  • Athletes
  • Non-Athletes
  • Member clubs/teams
  • Amateur Athletic Union of the United States, Inc.

When does the extended coverage take effect?

  • Coverage takes effect when AAU registered members with the extended coverage membership are participating in events hosted by organizations that are not member clubs of the AAU.
  • Example: all of Jim’s basketball team members have registered with the extended membership option. Jim’s basketball Team is participating in an event hosted by the Local Park and recreation organization. The Park and Recreation Organization is not a member club of the AAU nor is the event licensed by the AAU. Jim’s basketball Team has coverage in this situation by being AAU extended benefit members

When does the extended coverage not apply?

  • The extended coverage membership is not an alternative to obtaining an AAU league or tournament license. An AAU club or team CANNOT HOST GAMES, SCRIMMAGES, LEAGUE PLAY, or TOURNAMENTS WITH THE EXTENDED COVERAGE MEMBERSHIP.  Any AAU club that conducts any event that is not licensed by the AAU forfeits their AAU insurance benefits for that event.

Insurance Summary

Detailed Insurance Summary

Third Party Extended Benefit
 Certificate Request Form

Insurance Claim Forms

Should anyone be involed in an incident, file an incident report and then file a claim form.

Sports Accident Claim Forms

Date of Injury Before 9/1/17 Date of Injury After 9/1/17

Damage and Incident Claim Forms

Property Damage Form Incident Reporting Form