How Scheduling Works
- Individual league divisions are created and released shortly after the registration deadline of August 28.
- Teams are assigned a divisional schedule number which will identify their opponent on each league weekend. At this time, the host team for each league weekend will also be identifiable.
- Teams will also be provided with the contact information for all league teams. Teams can communicate with each other at this time to finalize game times and location.
- The host team each league weekend is responsible for having umpires assigned.
- All league weekends will consist of a doubleheader
All registered teams will receive information and updates via email.
League Weekends
Week #1 | September 7-8 |
Week #2 | September 14-15 |
Week #3 | September 21-22 |
Fall Classic Tournament* | September 28-29 |
Week #4 | October 5-6 |
Week #5 | October 12-13 |
League Playoffs | October 19-20 |
League Playoffs (Rain Date) | October 26-27 |
*The Fall Baseball Classic is not included wit the Fall League entry fee. Teams must register for the Fall Baseball Classic separately.