New England

League Weekends 2025


16u & 18u DIVISIONS
April 5-6 Week #1 Week #1    
April 12-13 Week #2 - Spring Classic Week #2    
April 19-20 Week #3 Week #3    
April 26-27 Week #4 Spring Classic    
May 3-4 Week #5 Week #4    
May 10-11 Week #6 Week #5    
May 17-18 Week #7* Rain Date / Make Ups    
May 24-25 Memorial Day Tournaments Memorial Day Tournaments    
May 31- June 1 Mandatory Make Up Weekend Week #6    
June 7-8 League Playoffs Week #7 Week #1 Week #1
June 14-15 Rain Date for League Playoffs Week #8 Week #2 Week #2
June 21-22   Stars & Stripes Tournament Week #3 Week #3
June 28-29   Rain Date / Make Ups Week #4 Week #4
July 5-6   4th of July Weekend 4th of July Weekend 4th of July Weekend
July 12-13   League Playoffs Week #5 Week #5
July 19-20   Rain Date for League Playoffs Summer Classic League Playoffs
July 26-27     League Playoffs Summer Classic
August 2-3     Rain Date for League Playoffs  


*The final number of total teams entered into the league will dictate the size of individual divisions within each age group. The total number of teams in a division will determine which teams are scheduled league games on Week #7. Do you need clarification? Please contact Steve at 774-226-5035 or

Deadlines to Complete Games

Below you will find the date on which all regular season games must be completed.  All games must be completed to be eligible for the League Playoffs.

  • June 1 (9-12u)
  • June 29 (13-14u)
  • July 20 (15u)
  • July 13 (16u,18u)

How SCHEDULING Works (9-15u)

  • Individual league divisions are  created and released shortly after the registration deadline for each age group
  •  Teams are assigned a divisional schedule number which will identify their opponent and who is the host team on each league weekend
  • At this time, teams will be provided with the contact information for all league teams. Teams can communicate with each other to finalize game times and location.
  • All league weekends will consist of a doubleheader

How SCHEDULING Works (16,18u)

  • NEAAU will collect the availability of all 16u and 18u league teams.
  • NEAAU will do its best to provide a fair amount of home games for all teams. Team availability will be used to create league match ups during each week/weekend.
  • All 16u and 18u league teams will be required to complete a minimum of eight (8) league games during the regular season. Failure to complete eight (8) league games will result in that team's elimination from playoff eligibility.
  • Scheduled 16u and 18u league games will include weekend doubleheaders.

If you have questions please email and

Forfeits / Unplayed Games / Penalties

  • Forfeits/Unplayed games will NOT be tolerated
  • Penalties include loss of $250 club bond, as well as ineligibility for League Playoffs
  • Unplayed games very well may result in team(s) being removed from the league immediately
  • ALL games must be completed regardless of a team's record EVERY game matters and impacts the entire league


  • If a team is in need of scheduling league games on a different date than their pre-scheduled league weekend, that team can contact the opposing team coach to inquire about their flexibility to reschedule. If the opposing coach agrees to play the league doubleheader on a different weekend it will be at a time and location that best accommodates the team being asked to change pre-scheduled league weekend.
  • If a league make up weekend is chosen on which to move pre-scheduled league games before the season begins, but that weekend is then needed to accommodate games cancelled due to inclement weather during the season, the games scheduled on the make-up weekend prior to the season beginning very well will be cancelled and deemed forfeits for the team that asked to move pre-scheduled league games to a make-up weekend.
  • No game can be rescheduled after the season has begun without first contacting the age group leader
  • Rained out games should be rescheduled on the next upcoming rain date if not already being used by another rained out league game.
  • Non-League games should be rescheduled to allow the completion of weather cancelled league games
  • If you are having trouble rescheduling a league game(s) do NOT wait until towards the end of the season to notify your age group leader. Regardless of the circumstances, it is extremely difficult for NEAAU Baseball to help resolve the matter if it is not provided with enough time to do so. If games do not get rescheduled due to NEAAU Baseball not being notified in proper time, the games may not be played an affect the playoff qualifying chances of BOTH teams.

Rain Outs

  • Rained out games should be rescheduled on the next upcoming rain date if not already being used by another rained out league game
  • If you are having trouble rescheduling or reschedule a league game(s) do NOT wait until the end of the season to notify your age group leader. Regardless of the circumstances, it is extremely difficult for NEAAU Baseball to help resolve the matter if it is not provided with enough time to do so.
  • Non-League games should be rescheduled to allow the completion of weather cancelled league games
  • If cancelled games are not completed one or both teams may not be ineligible for the League Playoffs