Major League Baseball & NFHS RULES
- NEAAU League plays under MLB rules, except where identified
- Some NFHS rules are used. Please read all rules below to ensure you and your entire coaching staff are aware
- Teams qualify based on their regular season winning %
- Divisional winners in all age groups are seeded first and then the remaining qualified teams are seeded thereafter
- Regular Season Tiebreaking Protocol >
Home Team
- High seed is the home team
- Home team is the official score book
- High Seed team receives choice of dugout unless it is already occupied by the opposing team in the previous game
- Teams split the cost of the umpires at all playoff games
- Umpires must be paid prior to the start of each game
- Each team will supply 3 new balls for each game
Warm Up
- No infield practice
- 1st pitch is expected to be thrown on time
- At least 10 minutes before the scheduled start of the game coaches will have line cards completed with all substitutes listed
- 5 minutes prior to scheduled start time, coaches and umpires shall meet at home plate for ground rule and exchange lineup cards
- If you wish to protest the eligibility of a player the game must be stopped immediately and a protest filed with both the umpires and opposing team's coaching staff.
- See protest rules below for more details
Innings / Time Limits
- 6 innings (9-12u)
- 7 innings (13-18u)
- Pool Play: 2 hour time limit. If regulation innings are completed before the time limit is reached extra innings are allowed. No new inning will be started after the 2 hour time limit.
Bracket Play - No time limit. Extra innings will be played until a winner is determined. NEAAU Baseball reserves the right to alter time limits should inclement weather threaten the completion of the League Playoffs.
Mercy Rules
- 9-12U – 10 runs after 4 innings (3 ½ if home team is ahead)
- 13U+ - 10 runs after 5 innings (4 ½ if the home team is ahead)
- In all age groups 15 runs after 3 innings (2 ½ if the home team is ahead
Pitching Rules
- There are no pitching restrictions in the League Playoffs
- We strongly encourage and trust the club directors, coaches, team administrators and parents will make sure that their player’s health is their first priority
Bat Rules
- 13u and Younger - no restrictions
- 14u and Older - BBCOR -3
Batting Lineup
- Same as the regular season rule
- Teams can bat 10 and use the EP (Extra Player)
- No free substitution if batting 10
- Team can use a continuous batting order - must declare before game starts
- Free substitution allowed when using continuous batting order
- If a team is using a continuous batting order must use it for the entire game
- If a player is injured and is removed from the game while using a continuous batting order their spot in the lineup will be recorded as an out
- Allowed to start game with 8 players. 9th spot in the lineup will be recorded as an out
Extra Player (EP) & Designated Hitter (DH)
- At the beginning of a game, either the EP and and/or the DH may be elected
- Designated Hitter (DH) provision as covered in the rulebook published by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) applies
- The Extra Player (EP) is listed in the batting order and may assume any of the nine defensive positions (including pitcher) without being counted as a substitution
- Under all of the following options, there are never more than the standard nine defensive positions
- If use neither DH nor EP: Nine (9) players in the batting order and the same nine (9) players on defense
- If use only the DH, and not the EP: Nine (9) players in the batting order, one of which is replaced by another line up player on defense
- If use only the EP, and not the DH: Ten (10) players in the batting order, of which nine play on defense
- If use both the DH and EP: Ten players in the batting order. One of the nine (9) defensive players is replaced by the DH in that batting order. The DH can be removed during the game. The EP position may not be removed during the game
- The same number of players that are listed in the batting order to begin the game will continue throughout the game. If the game is started using an EP, the game must be finished using an EP
- Players not listed in the starting line-up may serve as substitutes
- In case of injury, the NFHS rule book applies except that if an EP is being used and injury prevents that slot in the batting order from being filled, an automatic “out” applies in that slot
Courtesy Runner
- Last batted out
- Only for the catcher
- Only with 2 outs
- NFHS rules apply
- The EP can freelance around the game, inning to inning and they are not a substitute
- If a player or coach is ejected from a game. They must leave the complex and must sit out the next scheduled game.
- The ejected individual must leave the complex and not be at the complex for the next game.
- If a player or coach is ejected for fighting they are removed from the rest of the League Playoff tournament and cannot be present at any of the fields.
- Protesting coach must announce their protest before the next pitch and played must be stopped
- Protest must be declared to both the umpires & opposing coaching staff. Play continues to be stopped
- Protesting coach must then contact the NEAAU Playoff reps immediately to resolve the protest before resuming the game.
- Play does not begin or resume until an NEAAU Baseball representative has been spoken to. Do not let the umpires begin or resume the game until an NEAAU Representative has been spoken to
NEAAU Playoff Contacts
- Todd - 401-757-1857
- Steve - 774-226-5035
- Only decisions involving the misinterpretation or misapplication of a rule, as well as player eligibility may be protested
- No protest shall be allowed in matters involving solely the umpire’s judgment
- NO ruling will be made if the proper protest procedure is not followed
- Protests regarding an ejected player or coach will not be allowed
- All decisions by NEAAU Baseball shall be final
- Any team that forfeits a playoff game will also forfeit their club’s $250 bond & removed from the League.
- Any team that forfeits a playoff game will be ineligible to advance in the Playoffs
- Committee will review all forfeits to determine extenuating circumstances
- If rain occurs before games start for the day: Each Playoff Host and umpires will best be able to determine field conditions. The NEAAU Baseball Committee and Playoff Host will determine any scheduling revisions.
- If rain occurs during a game: The game will be suspended and picked up from that point if game has not reached official status. The game will become complete if the game has reached official status.
- Official Status (Regulation Game): 12u and younger: Four full innings have been played, or the home team has scored an equal or greater number of runs in four, or four and a fraction, turns at bat than the visiting team has scored in five turns at bat. 13u and older: Five full innings have been played, or the home team has scored an equal or greater number of runs in four, or four and a fraction, turns at bat than the visiting team has scored in five turns at bats
- The umpire may suspend a game, but not declare the game complete or cancelled. If inclement weather threatens the completion at a playoff field, the host team must contact NEAAU Baseball before any final decisions are made. Neither the umpires, nor the host team, have the authority to cancel or suspend games for the remainder of the day on Saturday. Even just one unfinished pool play game on Saturday can force the entire bracket play round to the make-up weekend.