New England

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AAU Does not form teams

If you are new to AAU Sports, please know that the AAU does not form teams. AAU does not accept individual athlete registrations and then place that athlete on a team. The AAU forms the leagues and tournaments that individual baseball clubs/teams choose to enter.

#1. Tryouts

NEAAU encourages all teams to list their team tryouts on Each year hundreds of tryouts are added to this website

#2. Free Agent Player List

NEAAU teams are always in need of additional players. Place your name or your child's name on our Free Agent Player List for AAU coaches to review. Only coaches with a valid AAU Membership will be able to review the list.

#3. Team Looking for Players

Coaches can now identify which roster positions they need filled. Because this is new, please allow time for this page to become known to coaches. Check back often!

#4. AAU Club Locator

Use the Club Locator on the National AAU website to help find AAU Baseball Club in and around your area.

#5. Browse League Standings

With over 350 teams in the annual NEAAU Spring/Summer League, browsing through our league standings is an excellent way to locate a club close to you. All league divisions are formed by team geographic location.