Inland Empire

AAU Mid Valley Swim League Results

AAU Mid Valley Swim League Results

*Place in standings is determined by the point differencein head-to-head competition of the teams involved in the tie.

24th Annual AAU Central Washington Swim Invitational Results

Direction to Pools


June 11, 2013

Prosser 534, Grandview 229 

Sunnyside 439, Toppenish 325 

Othello 393, Naches 349 

Selah - BYE



June 13, 2013

Selah 727.5, Naches 102.5 

Sunnyside 543, Othello 230

Toppenish 526, Grandview 231 

Prosser - BYE



June 18, 2013

Toppenish 524, Prosser 288 

Grandview 418, Othello 297 

Selah 508, Sunnyside 322 

Naches - BYE



June 20, 2013

Sunnyside 569, Naches 115 

Selah 540.5, Grandview 59.5 

Prosser 280, Othello 266 

Toppenish - Bye



June 25, 2013

Toppenish 581.5, Othello 194.5 

Selah 503, Prosser 330

Grandview 465, Naches 309 

Sunnyside - BYE



June 27, 2013

Sunnyside 618, Grandview 145 

Prosser 561, Naches 244

Selah 563, Toppenish 271

Othello - BYE



July 2, 2013

Selah 633, Othello 169 

Toppenish vs Naches @ Toppenish 

Sunnyside 465, Prosser 314 

Toppenish 637, Naches 130



July 3, 2013

Selah 538, Naches 123 

Sunnyside 559, Othello 209

Toppenish vs Grandview @ Grandview

Prosser - BYE



July 9, 2013

Toppenish 436.5, Prosser 391.5

Othello 423, Grandview 264 

Selah 476.5, Sunnyside 340.5

Naches - BYE



July 11, 2013

Sunnyside 595, Naches 193

Selah 583, Grandview 180

Prosser 627, Othello 172

Toppenish - BYE



July 13 -14 , 2013





July 16, 2013

Toppenish 533, Othello 268 

Selah 547.5, Prosser 279.5

Naches 406, Grandview 370

Sunnyside - BYE



July 18, 2013

Sunnyside 602, Grandview 168 

Prosser 618, Naches 209

Selah 497, Toppenish 321

Othello - Bye



July 23, 2013

Selah 736, Othello 79 

Toppenish 597, Naches 207

Sunnyside 467, Prosser 317

Grandview - Bye



July 24, 2013

Prosser 590, Grandview 199

Sunnyside 474.5, Toppenish 328.5

Othello 429, Naches 236

Selah - Bye



July 26-28, 2012


Complete Individual Results

Team Scores

AAU Mid Valley Swim League Championships 2011

Complete Individual Results

Team Scores

Individual High Point Winners



AAU Mid Valley Swim League Championships 2010

Complete Individual Results

Team Scores

Individual High Point Winners



AAU Mid Valley Swim League Championships 2009

Complete Individual Results

Team Scores

Individual High Point Winners



AAU Mid Valley Swim League Championships 2008

Complete Individual Results

Team Scores

Individual High Point Winners



AAU Mid Valley Swim League Championships 2007

Complete Individual Results

Team Scores

Individual High Point Winners



AAU Mid Valley Swim League Championships 2006

Complete Individual Results

Team Scores

Individual High Point Winners



AAU Mid Valley Swim League Championships 2005

Complete Individual Results

Team Scores

Individual High Point Winners



AAU Mid Valley Swim League Championships 2004

Complete Individual Results

Team Scores

Individual High Point Winners



AAU Mid Valley Swim League Championships 2003

Complete Individual Results

Team Scores

Individual High Point Winners



AAU Mid Valley Swim League Championships 2002

Complete Individual Results

Team Scores

Individual High Point Winners



Prosser 11-1

Sunnyside 8-4

Selah 7-5*

Wapato 7-5*

Grandview 7-5*

Naches 1-11*

Toppenish 1-11*


*Place in standings is determined by the point difference
in head-to-head competition of the teams involved in the tie.


2002(Final Results)

Toppenish 10-2

Sunnyside 8-4(second place by virtue of the point difference in dual meets with Wapato)

Wapato 8-4

Selah 6-6
(fourth place by virtue of the point difference in dual meets with Grandview)

Grandview 6-6

Prosser 4-8

Naches 0-12



Selah 10-2

Sunnyside 9-3

Grandview 9-3

Toppenish 7-5

Wapato 4-8

Prosser 3-9

Naches 0-12



Grandview 11-1

Selah 8-4

Toppenish 7-5

Wapato 7-5

Sunnyside 5-7

Prosser 4-8

Naches 0-12