Jul 06, 2024
ORLANDO, Fla (July 5, 2024) - To register for AAU Tackle Football and Football Cheer, please go to https://aaufootball.rsportz.com/ and click on "Start a Club" to begin registration.
Club Level A Membership (formerly Level 1). If you are participating in a league or event/s, and are not hosting you need the following,
Level B Club Membership (formerly Level 2). Is needed if you intend to host a league or event/s.
Not for Profit Clubs – Tier One, Tier Two and Tier Three Level memberships (formerly club Level 3) have been reorganized. There are new requirements and a new registration process. Please email level3clubinfo@aausports.org or call the National Office at 407-934-7200 for more information.
NOTE: AAU MEMBERSHIP AND LEAGUE LICENSES ARE GOOD THROUGH 08/31/2024 New AAU Football League Licenses will be released on or about 08/15/2024.
Any questions contact the AAU National Football Chair Keith Noll at keithn@aausports.org or 715-829-2346 or the AAU Sport Manager Brandon Uffelman at brandon@aausports.org.